Day School | Restorationhope
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Day School

Mission Statment: 
Providing an alternative learning environment to foster social, moral, and academic learning through an innovative hands-on approach.

Day school (formerly known as; Launch Pad) is structured under a non-traditional micro or home school solution.

 Our participants consist of students and families in our housing program, farmed homeschoolers, and those seeking an alternative approach to learning. At Restoration Hope, our focus includes four categories academics, art, music, and environment.

It is important that we offer excellent academic programs to our families.

Our belief is that a traditional education combined with a hands-on experience is the most effective method of education.

We offer core classes in Math, English (Spelling/Vocabulary/Reading/Phonic) Social Studies, Science, and Bible.

Special classes are Art, Music, Spanish, and Taekwondo

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